For The Love Of Marshall Amps [1959 Modified & Studio Jubilee 2525]
Published 7 February 2025
Boutique brands be gone – does the original icon still rules our hearts?
Welcome to the show! The most important rock stages in history have been powered by a Marshall amplifier or six. From Angus to Zappa this British icon has become synonymous with everything we hold dear about rock’n’roll.
Over 60 years of ups and downs have taken their toll in terms of image, reputation and product offering however.
The growth of the boutique amp market, the unstoppable ascent of digital modelling and an oft-changing management and ownership structure left Marshall on the ropes in the ring of public opinion as the 2020s dawned. Written off by many a keyboard warrior as ‘just a bluetooth speaker and headphone company’, it says something of the brand’s bulletproof stature that so many pro players still want that unmistakable logo behind them night after night.
2019 showed significant promise. A new line of Bletchley-made 20-watt tube amps was both a commercial and hearts-and-minds success for Marshall. We have one today, and it is crazy that it’s taken us this long to hear one properly! Is it real Marshall tone at acceptable volume?
2025 ups the ante significantly. Marshall has introduced a couple of ‘Modified’ 100-watt heads – a bold move that pits its amps head to head with the stiffest boutique competition. We have the 1959 Modified today and ask, Who the hell can use a 100-watt head anyway?
Before we get going, a note on volume and the physical reality of a loud guitar amp…
Despite our best efforts, it is pretty much impossible to record and reproduce the physical effect of a 100-watt amplifier and 412 with any authenticity over YouTube.
You might get closer if you have very powerful monitors and you can get them up nice and loud. But unless you can feel the actual punch in the chest and guts, you’re not really experiencing the amp. It’s just a fact.
If you haven’t already, please try to do that in person before you shuffle off this mortal coil, preferably on the end of someone who //really// knows what to do with it. You will be forever changed.
Enjoy the show!
Pedals & Stuff used in this show
• TheGigRig Three2One
• Sonic Research ST-200 Turbo Tuner
• Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase Si
• Thorpy FX Heavy Water
• Hamstead Redwing Analogue Stereo Modulator
• DOD Mini Expression Pedal
If you use these links to buy stuff - any stuff – we receive a small cut.
UK & Europe: Andertons Music - https://bit.ly/3zaTX5Z
USA: Sweetwater - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/5g6ALN
Australia: Pedal Empire - http://bit.ly/2mWmJQf
Interesting bits and go to sections…
0:00 Welcome, and what are we doing?
2:03 Why are we doing this?
2:40 Today’s amps
4:42 Studio Jubilee questions
5:26 Jubilee 5-watt mode, 1x12
6:44 Jubilee 20-watt mode compared
7:37 Jubilee, how much clean headroom?
10:13 Jubilee channel 1 clip mode
11:18 Jubilee lead channel
14:15 Jubilee, coupla pedals in front
16:15 Jubilee, delay & reverb in FX loop
17:20 Jubilee on a 2x12 cab, Tele
18:40 Jubilee on a 2x12 cab, Strat
24:00 The 1959 Modified intro
25:28 What is the SLP anyway?
26:30 1959 What are the mods?
27:05 1959 Bright Cap Mod
29:08 1959 Master Volume Mod
30:45 1959 Clipping / Boost Mod
33:30 Why no effects loop in the 1959?
35:40 Delay and reverb into the front?
36:48 1959 with FUZZ!
38:30 What about the other channel?
40:05 Jumping channels with FX between
43:58 Dan’s revelation
45:00 Les Paul sweet spot for Mick
47:46 Best Marshall he’s ever heard?
49:10 Is 100 watts still usable?
Guitars in today’s show
• Fender Custom Shop ’63 Telecaster - Dan’s video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnQ4OIJFTgY&t=0s&ab_channel=ThatPedalShow
• Gibson Custom True Historic 1957 Les Paul Goldtop Murphy aged - no specific video yet
• Fender Custom Shop ’62 Relic Stratocaster - video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOMHUQeHGRQ&t=0s&ab_channel=ThatPedalShow
Amps in today’s show
• Marshall Studio Jubilee 2525 Head
• Marshall 1959 / MO1 Modified Head
• Hamstead 112 cabinet with Celestion G12H-75 Creamback speaker
• Marshall 2061CX 2x12 cabinet with Celestion G12H Anniversary speakers
• Marshall 1960AX 4x12 cabinet with Celestion G12M Creamback speakers
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