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That Pedal Show Highlights Of 2024 [Yes, The End Of Year Clips Show]

Published 27 December 2024

A look back over a year of great guests, wonderful tones and a whole belly full of laughs

Welcome to the show! Every year we say we won’t do this, and then after the briefest of glances down the video list for the past 12 months, we’re always surprised at everything that actually happened.
It seems only fitting to take a retrospective whistlestop tour down the year and say a giant thank you to everyone who makes this kerayzee caper possible… most importantly of all, the incredible TPS family who tune in to watch week in, week out. Yep, that’s you lot - thank you!

The shows are mentioned in captions at the start of each clip/section, so we won’t repeat them here.

We wish you the very best for the coming trip around the sun, and for every other moment too. Whatever you do, may you find the peace within it.

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